The Swedish Solution
Get our free white paper on how to reduce MSK spend by decreasing total joint replacements. Learn the benefits of digital first-line treatment for osteoarthritis and how to avoid unnecessary costs.
In this White Paper
Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that causes joint pain and impaired function. It affects a growing number of people, which has led to osteoarthritis being one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Besides osteoarthritis being a factor that can result in reduced quality of life for the individual, it presents high costs for society – including health plans, health systems, and employers: with hip and knee joint replacements representing a significant proportion of these healthcare costs. But there is a solution to the high MSK spend: the Swedish solution.
Learn about the costs of osteoarthritis
See why and how the Swedish solution reduces MSK spend
Get insight on how digital clinics boost outcomes
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Thousands of improved lives
More than 100,000 patients treated with a reported 99% patient satisfaction.