Science & Outcomes

Our peer-reviewed studies and ongoing research show that Joint Academy patients reduce their pain, change their minds about surgery, and quit analgesics medication.


reduce their pain clinically significant 1


retention 5

70 NPS

Net Promoter Score 5

1-year outcomes

Reduced joint pain

After 1 year with Joint Academy, patients reduce their joint pain with 44 % 1, on average. This is measured through patient reports on an NRS (numeric) scale on a weekly basis.

Increased physical function

Patients who use Joint Academy for 1 year notice an improvement of physical function of 40 % 1 on average. This is measured through an objective test of physical function where the patient stands up from a chair as many times as they can in 30 seconds.

No pills. No surgery. Just healthier joints.


change their mind about having surgery 2


quit analgesics medication 3

Cost effective

Digital care has the potential to reduce the cost of healthcare. The cost of the Joint Academy’s digital treatment is about 75 % less compared with in-person treatment at physical clinics according to a socio-economic study from Lund University.

Joint Academy vs. traditional treatment

Pain after 6 weeks

Mobility after 6 weeks

Our science team

Joint Academy is founded on research and experience from some of the world’s most experienced medical experts. Amongst others Leif Dahlberg, Chief Medical Officer, and Stefan Lohmander, Professor, MD, PhD.

Leif Dahlberg

Chief Medical Officer

Paulina Althin

Research Assistant

Stefan Lohmander

Professor, MD, PhD

Our clinical studies

With 20 years of experience and over 30 peer-reviewed studies, we bring proven expertise.

Research collaborations