What is osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease in the world. It currently affects around one in four people over the age of 45 in the US. As a result of this disease, the affected joint becomes stiff and painful, mainly during any kind of exertion.
Osteoarthritis in the workplace
Hereditary osteoarthritis – how to prevent it
10 things that everyone should know about osteoarthritis
Who is affected by osteoarthritis?
Sports and osteoarthritis – injuries and joint pain
Overweight and chronic joint pain
Risk factors for osteoarthritis
Different ways that osteoarthritis can develop
How is osteoarthritis viewed around the world?
Prevent osteoarthritis – Risk factors, symptoms, and treatment
Osteoarthritis – a national disease
The latest research on osteoarthritis
Frequently asked questions about osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis symptoms – Different stages of the disease
Osteoarthritis in younger and older people – what are the differences?